Remote Jobs How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter Medium Leave a comment

I find myself becoming more energized the more I read about your company and this particular role, and I’d like to tell you more specifically why I feel we’re a great fit for each other. As more interest in flexible work arrangements continues, it has encouraged employers of all sizes to consider offering remote jobs. Your Work Experiences Paragraph is the place to highlight key parts of your resume.

  • A remote cover is a letter that introduces you to a potential employer and gives them a glance at your personality, experience, and ultimately explains your interest in working with them.
  • Grammar errors and oversights can be easy to miss in your own work, so it’s always better to get an extra set of eyes on the cover letter.
  • Even before the pandemic ushered remote work into the spotlight, you likely had more remote work experience than you realize.
  • Timm has the answers to help you write a winning cover letter for your first remote job.
  • End the letter politely with a quick Call to Action Paragraph, letting the employer know you’re looking forward to chatting more about the role.

Based on your research and the example you chose, tie your skills and previous work experience to the role you are applying for. Help the hiring manager or recruiter understand why you are the best candidate. Take a tour of our platform to learn more about the benefits of membership. Find ways that you can work those into your cover letter for a remote job. Bonus points if you can include real examples of how you’ve used them to make a difference with past employers. If you’ve been a remote worker for years, highlight that and how you succeeded at it.

Outline your competitive advantage and explain anomalies

If you’d like, introduce yourself with a short story, a joke, or a random fact about the role to set the tone of your cover letter. Before you start writing, do some research on the company and the role you are applying for. Find out what their mission, values, and goals are, what challenges they are facing, and what skills and qualities they are looking for. This will help you tailor your cover letter to their specific needs and expectations, and show that you are genuinely interested in working with them.

The example you choose should align with one or more of the requirements outlined in the job description. This proves to the employer that you’ve done your research and understand why you’re a good fit for the role. My clients have frequently praised me for my communication skills, particularly my ability to easily explain technical concepts to non-technical users.

Seeking remote work: 8 tips for writing a remote-first cover letter

So use this opportunity to show all the relevant remote skills you have that make you an ideal candidate for the job, and the position could be as good as yours. Even before the pandemic ushered remote work into the spotlight, you likely had more remote work experience than you realize. And highlighting this remote-relevant experience is what can help you land interviews.

You’ve introduced yourself, explained your interest in the position and highlighted relevant skills and experience. The next step is to round it out with a final paragraph that summarizes what you’ve been up to and what you’re looking for in your next role. Explain why you made those choices, what you learned from them, and how they prepared you for the remote position. Don’t dwell on the negatives, but focus on the positives and the transferable skills that you can bring to the table. Some job seekers simply regurgitate their resume in their cover letter, but that’s wasting a golden opportunity to truly convince an employer of why you’d be a great remote employee.

Remote Position Cover Letter Sample in .docx Format

Even if you have experience, it never hurts to shine the spotlight on some of your most relevant skills. But, this becomes even more important if you need to show that you’re a no-brainer fit—even when your past roles aren’t quite as traditional. But here are some tips on what to include in a cover letter for a remote job. If this is your first job and not just your first remote job, use projects you’ve worked on, or a side gig if you have one as the source of your examples. However, only share your side hustle if you believe the company will see it as a positive thing and not a split priority. I’ve been working remotely since 2015 and currently work as a freelance marketer.

cover letter for remote position

The specifics of your cover letter will be unique to you, as will how you highlight your remote work experience. Here’s a sample cover letter for a remote job to help get you started. Highlight your qualifications, how you align with the role, and your experiences working remotely. Try to include a few examples that tie to the needs of the job role and how you handle remote work.

If you don’t put the effort in applying for a job then wonder why you never hear anything, skipping the cover letter is a good place to start. Cover letters add color that can be missing from a resume and give you an opportunity to dive deeper into your background, skills, and expertise. This may not be specific to a cover letter for a remote job, it could be for any job, but your online persona is even more important when working from home. It’s often people’s first interaction with you, so how you present yourself will likely affect the potential employer’s business. Before you send your cover letter, make sure you proofread it carefully and check for any spelling, grammar, or formatting errors.

cover letter template for remote position

Secondly, it provides space for you to highlight your WFH-relevant experience. It’s a myth that not everyone can work remotely but that doesn’t mean that remote work skills aren’t important. You need to be self-motivated, have strong time management skills, and know how to communicate asynchronously.

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